Thursday, May 17, 2012


Temptation is a word that makes many uncomfortable because we face it every day. The word is different for every person because we are all tempted by different things. We all have our own weaknesses. Whether it's lust, substance abuse, or whatever else it may be we are all tempted at times.
On Wednesday night my pastor talked briefly about temptation. We're currently going through the book of James. Last night we talked over James 1:9-18, but the part that hit me the most was James 1:12-15 which says 

"Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. Let no one say when he is tempted "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death."

The literal translation of lure is to trap and entice is to be baited. Have you ever felt trapped or baited by your habitual sin? Because I have. I felt that that way earlier this week. In a moment of honesty I texted a guy last week that I had made some mistakes with in the past, it was an innocent text just hoping to catch up, and possibly inviting him to a christian concert I was planning on going to later in the week. He said some things which made me end up saying some things I shouldn't have and was almost talked into staying the night at his house, and going out drinking with him. Luckily God is amazing and pulled be out of the situation. I was able to make other plans to get away from the temptation, and honestly I had more fun with my friends that night than I would have had I hung out with him. The whole time I had been talking to this guy I knew that it wasn't right and I never felt at ease about any of it. I had made mistakes in the past, and men are one of my biggest temptations. It's been a really tough journey, but I know with God I can get away from any temptation that comes my way. 

Temptation is something we all have to deal with. Jesus even dealt with temptation. Temptation is not a sin, giving into that temptation is the sin. Jesus never gave into that temptation, giving us the example to follow. Our worldly desires can get the best of us and at times we will give into that temptation. The important thing though is to understand that God WILL forgive you for that! God sent his only son to live a perfect life and die a horrible horrible death on the cross so that when we to fail and sin that we are already forgiven. That way when we are standing in front of God at the gates of Heaven and he looks for our name in the book of life, it will be there. All we have to do is believe and ask him into our life. Amazing!

Man, I dont know about you, but I am encouraged by that passage, and by what God has done. Yes we will be tempted, and yes we will fail and give into that temptation, but because of His grace we are saved! :)
