Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's been a long/interesting/tough/rewarding past couple weeks. Let me explain why.
Two weeks ago my best friend's cousin Jon died in a skydiving accident in Illinois. When it comes to cousins in their family, it's more like brothers and sisters. I knew Jon too, he was a great guy, loved God and wanted to serve God to the best of his ability. I went to the funeral. His family is like my family. It was the toughest funeral I have ever been to. I hated seeing everyone I know and love cry so hard. I had never had my best friend cry on my shoulder so hard. I was able to hold it together at the funeral until I saw and heard Jon's brother Jonah crying. It hurt me to see them hurt that way. That was one of the longest weeks of my life. That's the tough part, the rewarding part is knowing that Jon was a christian, and that he made a huge impact on so many peoples lives while he was here on earth.

Satan has been attacking me and so many people around me that I love. My best friend's family with the death of Jon, and they're afraid that her dad is going to lose her job. My other best friend Erin, one of her friends from highschool died in his sleep last week, and her mom almost died in a car accident, and so many other stuff is going on with her. Also my mom has two friends from highschool and both of them had a kid die the same week as Jon. It's so hard hearing about all of this thats going on. If you havent read Erin's blog, go do so. She's such and encouragement to me, and I'm sure she would be to you too. http://erinmcgreevey.blogspot.com/ I had the pleasure of skyping with Erin today. She lives in South Carolina so it's one of our only ways to communicate. I love talking to this girl, hearing how God is working in her life, and how she's constantly growing is amazing to hear! She's such a wonderful, beautiful, christ-like woman. I love her to death. I cannot wait to be reunited with her.

God's been teaching me a lot this week too. I have my covenant now that I can sign and become a member at the church I've been going to. There's so much on here that will definitely help me grow, but at this point in time I dont know if I'm at the point where I can sign this and follow it. I'm trying to get my heart right before I sign this paper, a covenant is different than a contract. Contracts can be broke, covenants cannot. At least in my opinion, which is why I want to get my heart right before I sign it. Which God has been definitely doing. I'm still failing time and time again, but its getting better in time.
I've been praying for months for God to reveal to me where he wanted me to work. I thought it was brunswick zone but as it turns out, the job I would want there I have to be 18 for. I dont turn 18 until January. I need money now lol. So I was just praying that God would reveal to me where to work. Well I got a phone call yesterday from my soon-to-be-sister-in-law saying that her work was looking for more people (Walgreens, not the best job in the world, but something that would do) I said I'd apply and try it out. Well I had my interview today, and I got the job! I'm even getting payed 25 cents more than normal! Once I turn 18 and I can trained in the photo department then I'll get another raise! God is so good! Now it's time to start working, and pay my bills, and start saving for a car and school!

Everything happens in God's timing. Not my own. I've been praying that God would reveal to me where he wants me to go. I still have no idea where that is. I'm going to be applying to many colleges, and I'm just going to say whichever one I get accepted to and I can afford, I'll go there lol. My dream school right now is Moody Bible Institute. They have free tuition for mission majors, so all I'd have to pay is room and board and student fees, which would be GREAT! My second choice at this very moment is North Greenvile University in South Carolina. It's expensive, but I think I could do it as long as I get enough scholarships. My third choice is Oklahoma Baptist University. It's VERY expensive, but it's a lot closer to these cutie pies:
It's so hard being so far away from them. But I know their mommy and daddy are doing what God has called them to do, and I applaud them for that :) I get to see these kiddos this weekend, and I cannot wait! I'm just scared I'm going to end up having to work.

I've stopped playing guitar for the most part, and I'm starting to get really bummed out about it. I really do miss playing, it's just I have no where to play, and I have to much to do to just sit and play. Yesterday and today I did just sit and play for a little while, but not very much. Since I'm not taking lessons I'm not constantly practicing.
Anyways, yeah, that's whats up. lol. Be praying for my relationship with my dad, this job, and please keep Mike Peppers in your prayers. I believe I've mentioned him on here before, but if I havent then go read my Colorado blog and I know he's mentioned in there. http://hannahcoloradotrip.blogspot.com/

In Christ,