Friday, October 30, 2009

Baggage and Cards we've been dealt

If you have not heard of the amazing christian comedy duo of Tommy Woodard and Eddie James, also known as the Skit Guys, you need to check them out. They have an amazing way of making students laugh, and have fun, but they get them to think about life and the big things it has to offer.
One of their skits is called Baggage. The summary that they have on their sight says this "We’ve all got it and it’s really hard to let it go. In this skit, Tommy and Eddie give us a window into a young man’s life who seems to be dealt one blow after another and becomes weighed down with so much baggage. Can he let go and let God take control?" Here's the link to the video

I had seen this video multiple times before, but it never hit me like it did just a few days ago. You see, I've been going through a really hard time these last few months, and I've been holding on to everything. There's been some not so good stuff that I've been holding on to, and not wanting to let go. There's been a few times lately when I've just snapped at my parents, or my brothers for random stupid things. I've realized now that it is because of this baggage that I am holding onto. I've decided to try to give it all over to God instead of holding onto it. No matter how much I want to hold onto it I know I need to just give it all up, and not try to pick it up again.

Another video they did, which is new is a video called Cards You've Been Dealt. The summary of this one says "In our lives we are dealt a hand of cards, some representing great moments and some that are filled with crisis. When you are dealt your hand, how will you respond? In this thought-provoking video, Eddie talks about God’s perfect plan which is far more than just a random shuffle of the deck."

Man, when I watched this, I almost cried, just because its so true, in my life, and many other peoples lives. I know there are cards in my life right now i want to give up more than anything. But God gave them to me for a reason, and Im going to play them til the end.

I love the skit guys because they're these amazing christian men, who make people laugh and think. These two videos are more on their serious side, but they have videos skits like "Good Vs. Great" which talks about conferences, and the differences between them, and its really funny! And they always end on a serious note that gets you thinking.

Most teenagers these days will not pay attention to a speaker, but if they're funny, and entertaining, they'll capture their audience, of any age really. The Skit Guys are good at getting teenagers (and adults) to listen, and to laugh, that way they want to see what they are going to say next, and then they hit you right between the eyes with something serious, and I love it!
I've had the pleasure to meet the skit guys last October (2008) and talk to them for a while. Not only are they funny, and super nice, they're also concerned about you and what you are currently going through. I remember emailing them before I left for the conference I met them at, and when I introduced myself, they knew exactly who I was, and they engaged me in conversation, and getting to know me, and finding out what they could do to help me. It was truly amazing!

Anyways, I wanted to share that with you guys. The Skit Guys have changed my life for the better, and i know they could change your life for the better too. Maybe you're hurting and need a laugh, well these guys will get you to laugh for sure!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Man, oh man!
I just had to write something about tonight, before I forget it. I've been going to a new church on Wednesday nights. A church that I love, a church that loves their church, a church that loves the community, a church that loves lost people, a church that LOVES!
The pastor there, is one of the best pastors I have ever heard. He's one of my favorite speakers, and ALWAYS learn something from him.
I've been so caught up lately with working in communities that are not around me, I have been so caught up in finding places outside of this state to do missions. I havent loved this community. You see, I've grown up here pretty much. The only other place I have lived was Alabama where I was born, and I only lived there until I was two. Since i have grown up here, I have not loved this place like I should. I have not loved the people here like I should. I could leave here tomorrow, and not miss it at all.
I spent two months in San Diego this summer. I love that city, and those people more than I have EVER loved this city and the people here. We NEED to love this city! It needs love just as much as any other city! Yes there are over three million people in San Diego ALONE, and less than three percent CLAIM to be christians, and they need that SO badly! But people need christ here too! If we go else where for a week, a month, two months, maybe even a year, you cant build that relationship that you need to build with a person, like you can if you live there.  If we talk to people in our community, we can build a relationship with them, and we can learn to love them, and we can show them what a real christian is like!
Tonight challenged me to LOVE my community, not just be like "yeah I love my community, its a cool place" but really LOVE it. And to LOVE the people here. When I was in San Diego, it was a lot easier for me to talk to people I didnt know, and it was so easy for me to just try to build relationships with them. But here, in my home town, its hard. Its really hard! Because we know if we're 1000 miles away from home, we most likely wont ever see that person again, but here at home, there is that chance that you will see them again. WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN?? They dont talk to you? The reject the gospel? Let me tell you this, if they reject what you are saying, they are NOT rejecting YOU, they are rejecting GOD. Its not your fault because they reject what God is saying, it is just because they are not ready for that relationship with God. But if you keep that relationship with them, and keep bringing it up with them (but not shoving it in their faces) eventually they might come around. Their hearts just need to be in the right place, God needs to be the one to move their hearts, not you. Let God move through you, dont let your words speak, let God's word speak.
Im challenging myself, along with whoever else reads this to witness to at least one person every two weeks. Maybe even every week. I dont get to go to starbucks, or the mall, or wherever, every week, which is why I said every two weeks, cause I know we all at least go somewhere every two week. We can do this guys! There is a revival that is waiting to happen! We NEED to get out there and start this revival! Its not going to start by itself! We need good strong christians to help start this revival that is just waiting to heppen! It's not only a challenge for you, its a challenge for me. I have not done my part with this. I have not loved my community, I have not wanted to witness to my community. But it must be done! If you are a christian, you are called to be a missionary! You might not be very good at talking, but God will use you in amazing ways. God will talk through you if you let him. I know this for a fact. I am not good at striking up conversations with people I do not know, I stumble over my words, I ask stupid questions, BUT if you ask God to give you words, he will. Every time this summer I was about to talk to someone, I would ask God to not let my words get in the way of His, and to let him speak through me. If you're in college, away from home, you can do this too, you can build relationships with the people you will be spending the next four years with. The relationships you build in college, are some that will last forever if you let then. They're the people that you live with, you take classes with, you pass by on campus every day, what better way to witness to people than on your college campus!! I am so excited about this, I am going to be stepping out of my comfort zone a LOT for this, but I am excited to see what God does with it. You never know who might need to hear what you have to say, you never know who needs to hear what God has done in your life, you never know who need to hear the Gospel, so go for it! Share! "If you believe in Heaven and Hell, how much do you have to hate someone to not tell them how to get to Heaven?" -Penn Jillette. If you dont know who he is, then that's pretty crazy haha. Penn is an athiest, he said that in a video where he was talking about someone who gave him a Bible. Amazing, and SO true! Here's another challenge, do to the mall sit on a bench where you can watch people walk by and look at them and picture with them having "condemned to Hell" written on their forhead. See how you feel after that. It will break your heart.
I know who I am going to witness to. It's going to be hard, but I am going to try to do it. His name is Jake, he works at journeys. I've talked to him a lot while I've been in there shopping, super great guy, but not a christian. Every time I talk to him I can tell he's looking for something more. I want to talk to him about what he believes and why he believes it. Be praying for me as I am doing that, be praying for me as I am taking on this challenge to love my community, and to witness to someone every two weeks. I will be praying for you that you will love your community, I will be praying that you take this challenge, and that you will see this revival that is waiting to happen. I will be praying for you as you go out into the world and you make disciples! Im so excited about this, and I hope and pray you are too!

In Christ,

Monday, October 5, 2009

End times?

Wow, as I am watching the news today, I realized how many natural disasters have been happening. It makes me wonder if the end times are coming. I have a weird fascination with Revelation in the Bible. It talks about increase in natural disasters, the war between Israel and Palestine will end, and then the temple in Jerusalem will be rebuilt then Christ will come back and call all of his believers up to Heaven with him. After that, it gets a little shady as to what order everything goes in, and I dont know everything about Revelation so I wont be telling you about my opinion on what order everything goes in.

Anyways, as I am seeing all these natural disasters such as the tsunami's, forest fired, earth quakes, hurricanes, dust storms, and everything else like that it makes me wonder, and it makes me excited!!
Ever since I started studying Revelation I have wanted to live during end times, and seeing all these natural disasters makes me excited because it makes me think that maybe it will happen while I am still alive. It will be scary when it happens because you will see the people you thought were christians not coming up with you, and running around like crazy wondering what will happen.

Have you ever wondered what will happen when a bunch of people are driving down the road and then they just disappear because they were a christian and Christ came back to bring them up to Heaven with him? Or when the pilot is a christian and the plane crashes when Christ comes back? Its going to be really scary and a lot of BAD stuff is going to happen, but when that happens, and people have heard about Christ coming back, they will KNOW what happened. I'm not saying everyone will repent and know that God is real and that after the 7 years, they will go to Heaven, Im saying those people who grew up in church and heard it, but never accepted Christ will know what happened, and will turn their life over to Christ.

Im so excited about this you have no idea! I love talking to my friends about end times. But what I think i am most excited about is the new heaven and the new earth.
God will destroy this earth and the heaven that he is in right now. He will make a new Heaven and a new Earth that is perfect without sin. We will all have bodies like we do now, but we will be without sin. God will be walking with us in this new earth, in his own flesh and we will be able to go from Heaven to Earth because we are all perfect. There will be no Hell, God will throw Satan and his Demons, and all of Hell into a burning sulfer where they will burn forever. Here's what it says in Revelation 20:7-10  "7When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."

No more pain, no more suffering, NO MORE SIN! Why arent we all excited about that?! People are scared about end times, yes it is scary, but if you're a believer in Jesus Christ you do not have to be scared! When all of the really horrible stuff starts happening we will be in Heaven with Jesus Christ just watching it all. Im really excited to see what happens exactly, and when it happens. Be praying for revival so that there are millions of people going to Heaven when Christ returns. We dont know when it will happen, so we have to be ready! Talk to those around you about Christ so that they will be saved from Hell!!